How Do I Get And Install A CPanel SSL Certificate For HTTPS?

This page is a helpful resource for people who don't want to waist nearly 50 hours trying to answer the question "how in the world do I install an SSL certificate on my web-accessed CPanel so that I can visit my website on HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocal secured)?"

Set Up

For this page, it is assumed that you already have:

Please note that all items below are required. None of the below requirements are optional!


1. Enter the URL of your website and all subdomains you want to include into this box right here:
2. Start up your linux operating system and open a terminal
3. In the terminal, run the following: sudo -i
4. If the terminal prompts for a password, then the password is the password you use to log into the computer.
5. In the terminal, run the following: sudo -i apt install letsencrypt
6. In the terminal, run the following: sudo -i letsencrypt certonly -a manual --rsa-key-size 2048
7. Navigate to remote path in FileZilla according to what the message says
8. Put in the file and its contents that they tell you to put in using FileZilla
9. You may now optionally close Filezilla if you want to.
A. In the terminal, continue by pressing Enter and generate certificate.
B. Open a web browser like chrome
C. Log into your online CPanel account
D. Goto the "SSL/TLS" section.
E. In the "SSL/TLS" section, Click on the "Manage SSL Hosts" button
F. Inside "Manage SSL Hosts", scroll down to the "Install an SSL Website" area and select the domain "".
10. In the terminal, run the following: sudo -i xdg-open /etc/letsencrypt/live//cert.pem
11. In the text editor that pops up, copy the file contents into the "Certificate: (CRT)" box in the web browser
12. Close the text editor that poped up.
13. In the terminal, run the following: sudo -i xdg-open /etc/letsencrypt/live//privkey.pem
14. In the text editor that pops up, copy the file contents into the "Private Key (KEY)" box in the web browser
15. Close the text editor that poped up.
16. Click the "Autofill By Domain" button
17. Click the" Install Certificate" inside the "Manage State" button
18. In the terminal, run the following to ensure that you do not accidentally reinstall the same certificate later on: sudo -i rm -rf /etc/letsencrypt/live//
Now, you are almost done! The very last thing you should do is read the "Important Notes" section below.

Important Notes

Please note that it can take several minutes for installing an SSL certificate on your website to take effect. I reccomended that after you install the SSL certificate, you take a 15 minute break before checking if HTTPS is working on your website. Lastly, if your website has a separate and a, then you must generate 2 certificates: one for each domain.