Square Root Of 2 In Base 256 Binary

What is this?

This is a customized download that allows you to download up to the first 128 GB of the square root of 2. The format for this is as follows. You should code your program to interpret this as the inverse of the square root of 2. The reason for why this is actualy the inverse of the sqaure root of 2 and I call it the sqaure root of 2 is because they are exactly the same, except for where you place the decimal point. If you place the decimal point right after the first bit, then this is the square root of 2, however if you place the decimal point at the very start of the file, then it is the inverse of the square root 2. To mathematicaly describe this phenomenon:

x1 x2
= x2-1 = x2-1

Click Here To Veiw The Digits (may cause your browser to freeze up!)

The file is too big for any of my text-editors

This is very normal. The best way to open a file this big without lag and without a crash is by using the epic HxD text editor (there is an otion for disabling the hexadecimal veiwing).

The First 16777216 Powers Of 2 In Base 10 (human-readable text)

In a related note, well, here you go.