Browse and download the following small choice selection of free full-text PDFs valuable to a variety of research purposes. No login or other BS!, just click and view!
Advances in Cryptology ASIACRYPT 2022 Shweta Agrawal Dongdai Lin)
An Improved AES Key Expansion Algorithm Junjie Yan and Feng Chen)
Combinatorial Cryptosystems (Galore Michael R Fellows)
Improving the Security of ChaCha (2020 Coutinho)
Latin Dances Reloaded (2022 Coutinho)
Elementary Number Theory A Problem Oriented Approach (Joe Roberts)
Handbook of Finite Fields (Gary L. Mullen)
Handbook of Floating Point Arithmetic (2018 Jean Michel, Muller Nicolas, Brisebarre, et. al.)
On the evaluation of Brewers character sums (Reinaldo E. Giudici)
Proving the biases of Salsa and ChaCha in differential attack (Sabyasachi Dey and Santanu Sarkar)
Random Number Generators (T. E. Hull and A. R. Dobell)
Rotational analysis of ChaCha permutation (Stefano Barbero, Emanuele Bellini, and Rusydi Makarim)
Theorems on brewer sums (S. F. Robinson)
Xorshift RNGs (George Marsaglia)
Sums of Gauss, Eisenstein, Jacobi, Jacobsthal, and Brewer (2007 Bruce C. Berndt and Ronald J. Evans)